Diplomate Program

  1. Do I need to sign a contract? What if I wish to stop, do I still owe money?
  2. How are these educational hours constructed?
  3. Are there exams?
  4. What if I fail an exam?
  5. What are the recommended text books?
  6. Can I be exempted from certain quanta, such as Cranial or Myofascial release if I have done these with other teachers?
  7. What if I need to stop in the middle of the course? Can I take it elsewhere? Can I continue the course in the future?
  8. Do I need to take the quantum in order or may I take them out of sequence?
  9. Does any authority accredit this course?
  10. How would clinical teaching be arranged? Will it be in Canada, the United States, or elsewhere?
  11. If my gentle palpation skills are poor, will I benefit from this course? I have attended other courses to palpate for cranial rhythm, myofascial mapping, etc. and I have failed to feel them, is this course for me?

Do I need to sign a contract?
What if I wish to stop, do I still owe money?

No! Unlike our competitors, you have no obligation whatsoever, come as you like.

How are these educational hours constructed?

The Osteopathic College of Ontario is a Type 2 osteopathic education program according to the standards of WHO total program hours of 2,288. Our program is divided into a combination of didactic, laboratory, homework and study assignments thusly: The program entails 14 modular components with each component meeting for 3 days of laboratory time (total 24 hours per module) combined with 48 hours of homework and study preparation before and after each module. The total modular hours for the 14 modules are 1008 hours.

The students have self-study courses of 100 hours each in Physiology 101, Physiology 102, Physiology 103, Anatomy 101, Anatomy 102, Anatomy 103, Pathology 101, Pathology 102.

The students also have 480 hours of clinical externship which comprises laboratory, client interaction with supervision, case analysis, osteopathic implementation, course preparation study and completion of a the Clinical Practicum Workbook.

Are there exams?

Yes, there are exams for each set of clinical skills. There are evaluations for each clinical week. There are exams for each section of anatomy, physiology and pathology.

What if I fail an exam?

Exams are online exams. You may take as long as you need to complete each exam. Your grade will be shown as a percentage. Should you fail an exam, you may retake without a fee but the grade you will receive will be no higher than 70% which is the minimum passing grade.

What are the recommended text books?

Can I be exempted from certain quanta, such as Cranial or Myofascial release if I have done these with other teachers?

The various essential components of the whole course are interwoven into each quantum so as to facilitate a gradual and deeper understanding of them as they relate to Osteopathy as opposed to elements of Osteopathy alone. To attain your D.O.M.T.P you complete all fourteen quanta, the case studies and the four-week rotation with the OCO.

What if I need to stop in the middle of the course? Can I take it elsewhere? Can I continue the course in the future?

If you need to stop at any quanta of the course, you may take it in the future or in the other places the OCO offers the program.

Do I need to take the quantum in order or may I take them out of sequence?

It is suggested but not required that Level 2 Quanta should be preceded with Level 1 Quanta – with the exception of Quanta Cranial One and Cranial Two which must be taken in order and Quanta Integration which must be taken during the last four quanta (third semester).

Does any authority accredit this course?

Upon completion of the diplomate program graduates are eligible to become a member of the Ontario Council of Drugless Osteopathy (OCDO) http://www.ocdo.ca/ and the Societe Canadienne de Massotherapie et Medecines Alternatives Complementaires (SCMMAC) https://www.scmmac.com/

This is a critical detail as Osteopathy is not a registered health care profession in Ontario. If you want to practice in Ontario you will need to be a member of a governing body that is recognized by the insurance industry in order to bill to insurers (extended health care). It is rarely disclosed to students of purely online programs, programs with severely compressed timelines and/or lower academic thresholds, that these associations will not admit graduates of those programs.

How would clinical teaching be arranged? Will it be in Canada, the United States, or elsewhere?

Canada will be the base for clinical study and patients will be arranged with clinical instructors. If a student wishes to have individual instruction in an osteopathic clinic, this can be arranged in the United States or overseas as well.

If my gentle palpation skills are poor, will I benefit from this course? I have attended other courses to palpate for cranial rhythm, myofascial mapping, etc. and I have failed to feel them, is this course for me?

You will benefit. Because you may have limited palpation skills in the past is the exact reason you should seek to be instructed in another manner. Many students, who made these statements before the course, have increased their palpatory skills tremendously.