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Elements of MET have been described and documented for many years. Fred Mitchell Sr. D.O., F.A.A.O. is generally given credit for developing the MET system in its modern day form.
Muscle Energy offers a complete approach to diagnosis and treating somatic dysfunction with an arsenal of both direct and indirect techniques.
With MET, the patient performs an isometric contraction wherein the following physiologic changes occur:
Golgi tendon organ activation results in direct inhibition of agonist muscles.
1A reflexive reciprocal inhibition occurs with respect to the antagonistic muscles.
2As the patient relaxes, agonist and antagonist muscles remain inhibited allowing the joint to be moved further into the restricted range of motion.
3Muscle Energy Technique can be used whenever somatic dysfunction is present and/or whenever there is a need to normalize abnormal neuromuscular relationships; improve local circulation and respiratory function; lengthen restricted muscles and or mobilize restricted joints.
In this course you will be introduced to history, application, theory and technique of Muscle Energy. The application will be demonstrated and applied in class to all areas of the body. You will be taught proper technique and then guided through practical application with a high teacher to student ratio to promote the full understanding of the material in action.
Visceral Manipulation is used to locate and solve problems throughout the body. It encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the functioning of your organs, dissipate the negative effects of stress, enhance mobility of the musculoskeletal system through the connective tissue attachments, and influence general metabolism.
J.P. Barral DO
In this encounter of Visceral Manipulation the college will cover the concepts of mobility and motility of the viscera. The organs studied in this quantum include: the liver, gall bladder, esophagus stomach, and the small and large intestines and their respective fixations.
The quanta focuses on manipulation of the viscera of the thorax and pelvis and the concepts of mobility and motility will be introduced. Global diagnosis of the viscera and inhibition are taught as an expansion of the local and regional diagnostic tools already acquired from the previous visceral quanta.
The thorax is unique in that it must provide protection to the vital organs while at the same time allowing for reasonable movement and protection of highly vascular organs.
The course material will cover the thorax using long bone compression, recoil technique, and exploring pulmonary fissures and the axis of the lungs utilizing a motility focus. The focus of treatment will be all structures which pertain to the movement of the thorax and the underlying viscera of life, lungs, trachea, bronchi, mediastinum, heart, pericardium, and diaphragm.
The pelvis is explored using both motility and mobility focusing on diagnosis and treatment of the ligamentous support structures as they relate to the uterus, bladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vas deferens, ureters, kidney, adrenal glands and more. This course is a wonderful extension of the skill set obtained from the first visceral course and a step closer to the full osteopathic approach to treatment.
Chapman's Reflexes were first described by Dr. Frank Chapman, DO in 1920, who described the palpatory findings as "small pearls of tapioca that are firm, partially fixed, and located under the skin in the deep fascia." The points are useful as a diagnostic aid for connecting internal pain to a specific pathology. The Chapman point is an outward physical representation of internal dysfunction or pathology of an organ system. These points can be used diagnostically and for treatment.
The Vault: this course is the foundation of cranial osteopathy. As an area of significant focus it will begin with the history of the modality from Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Weaver. The course covers the five phenomena, of which The Primary Respiratory Mechanism is derived. As the PRM fuels the focus of cranial it will be heavily emphasized as well as all structures involved in the vault and the diaphragms that follow.
The course will explore anatomy and theories of causation of the primary respiratory mechanism, the physiology of the PRM as well as contraindications and a protocol for treatment of the vault, diaphragms and sacrum.
Intraoral, the face, dorsum sellae and specialty techniques will continue our journey through the osteopathic cranial approach. Intraoral techniques will unlock physical maladies such as TMJ and cervical pain as well as emotional lesions via the 'avenue of expression.'
We will explore the effect of the PRM on the facial bones as well as discuss and demonstrate advanced cranial theories such as 'anterior midline and embryologic unfolding' and the role of the dorsum sellae, theories advanced by Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Weaver.
Quantum Cranial is a mandatory prerequisite to enrolling in this course.
The lymphatic system is a vital system of the body that must not be neglected, emphasized Dr Still, who wrote:
We lay much stress on the uses of blood and the powers of the nerves, but have we any evidence that they are of more vital importance than the lymphatic's?
Lymphatic distribution is ubiquitous throughout the body. You will learn original and advanced theories of this low-pressure pervasive system and evaluation and treatment for congestive conditions such as edema and respiratory restrictions including asthma, bronchitis, and the common cold.
LAS is a body of soft tissue techniques that has been preserved by the Dallas Osteopathic Study Group. The study group, at one time organized by Dr. Robert Fulford, Rollin Becker and Allen Becker, described these LAS techniques as 'how Dr. Sutherland (known for Cranial osteopathy) treated the rest of the body.
It is the believed, by some, that Ligamentous Articular Strain, are the actual techniques used by Dr. Still in the origins of osteopathy. Classical techniques such as the 'Bootjack technique' will be introduced and perfected. LAS is taught in two quanta which may be taken in any order.
Myofascial techniques provide the handshake of interaction and the hands on for insight into somatic dysfunction. You will learn the indication and application of direct and indirect technique as well as its application to release physical and emotional traumas.
Fascia is a structure with an incredible tensile strength and piezoelectric properties. This integumentary system is contiguous throughout the body covering muscles, nerves, and separating body cavities and even integral to the immune system.
In this quantum you will learn Counterstrain technique, developed by Dr. Lawrence Jones, and its application to the entire body. This body of work is indirect and patient passive, and as such, is particularly useful for patients in acute pain.
Still Technique is a set of rediscovered osteopathic manipulative techniques described by Charles Hazzard in 1905 and ascribed by him to Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathic medicine. The techniques are analyzed and presented as a variant of a direct articulatory technique with axial compression.
Functional Technique was developed by William Johnston, D.O. His approach identifies dysfunction based on segmental responses to motions introduced in the whole body, treatment follows in a like manner, using whole body motions, breath, and positioning to effect segmental corrective responses and subtle motor unit changes.
Facilitated Positional Release developed by Dr. Stanley Schiowitz and Dr. Eileen DiGiovanna will enhance skills learned in Counterstrain to make an improved armamentarium of soft techniques applicable in nearly any situation.
Lastly, we will incorporate Functional Technique, developed by Dr. William Johnston, which will give the operator the ability to balance motor units using subtle motions and breath.
In this quantum we will delve in to the science and art of osteopathic assessment.
Beginning with the foundational work of A.T. Still the course examines the philosophy and methods of assessment bringing together not just the methods but also the mindset required.
The Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles defines osteopathic philosophy as “a concept of health care supported by expanding scientific knowledge that embraces the concept of the unity of the living organism’s structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). Osteopathic philosophy emphasizes the following principles: (a) The human being is a dynamic unit of function. (b) Structure and function are interrelated at all levels. (c) The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature.“
This quantum will help the student to integrate the many modalities of osteopathy. A comprehensive didactic approach with lecture and practical application of the physical, emotional, and energetic components of osteopathic manipulation which will enhance the necessary insight into the successful thought processes of osteopathic practitioners and much more.
Advanced Cranial and Advanced Visceral quanta are prerequisites to this quanta.