Diplomate Program

There is NO application fee.

Acceptance to the courses taught in Canada by the Osteopathic College of Ontario require the students to be existing certified registrants (members) of a health care profession which is regulated by the Registered Health Care Professionals Act in Canada and preferably those professions whose registrants already participate in manual therapy modalities.

Students may begin their education during any teaching session. It is suggested but not required that Level 2 Quanta should be preceded with Level 1 Quanta – with the exception of Quanta Cranial One and Cranial Two which must be taken in order and Quanta Integration which must be taken during the last four quanta (third semester).

All student payments to the Osteopathic College of Ontario are processed exclusively through PayPal (details below). Payment for each Quanta is due by midnight of the Friday two weeks prior to the first day of the Quanta.


Tuition for the Diplomate program is $1599.00 (CAN funds) plus 13% HST per Quanta. There are fourteen quanta.

There are no exam fees. Students receive their entire online exam package and access codes after they have completed their first class.

Semester One - First Five Quanta (any five quanta taken)

Semester One fee: - Free for students who take their first class on any date in 2023.

Semester Two - Second Five Quanta (any five quanta taken)

Semester Two fee: $1250.00 + HST (cdn) - this is due prior to students taking their sixth quanta. After payment of the semester two fee the student is issued with the Clinical Practicum Workbook (details below).

Semester Three - Final Four Quanta and completion of Clinical Practicum

Semester Three Fee: $1250.00 + HST (cdn) - this is due prior to students taking their eleventh quanta.

Skills based assessment (no fee):

Upon completion of five quanta and payment of the semester two fee, each student becomes eligible to begin skills-based evaluation. The student will be issued with a hard copy of The Osteopathic College of Ontario Clinical Practicum.

The Clinical Practicum is a spiral bound book containing 242 osteopathic skills as outlined by Dr. Steven Sanet. The student will be required to display a minimum of 125 of the 242 skills, to the satisfaction of an authorized proctoring clinician, who will sign off on the displayed skill in the area provided in the book. There is no maximum or minimum time for completion of the skills book; but completion and submission to the college will be required for graduation.

Opportunities for displaying skills:

Students may display a skill at any time on a clinical rotation with a clinician who is on the list of those pre-approved by the OCO. Students may display a skill at any time on a clinical rotation with a clinician who is provisionally approved in advance by the OCO. In order to fulfill this criterion, the student would submit the proctoring clinician's name, registering college, practice location, to the college for approval through email to info@o-c-o.ca.

Students may display a skill during "down time" to the instructor of any quanta they are attending. i.e. - if class ends early on a particular day the student may request to display a skill to the instructor so long as it is not a skill from the quanta they are currently attending.

Payment instructions:

1. Send an email to info@o-c-o.ca in the following format: Subject line contains student name, Quanta name, Quanta date. Body of the email contains “please enroll me in the above noted course. Signed (student name).

2. The College will respond with a detailed invoice which will be sent from PayPal to the email address which the email enrollment request came from.

3. The student answers the PayPal invoice with their preferred method of payment (linked bank account, debit card, credit card).

4. Once the invoice is paid the student receives a detailed receipt from PayPal.

5. If it is the student’s first Quanta the student will receive a welcome letter from the OCO.

6. The student receives a Dropbox file link to the literature for the requested Quanta. The student should download the content to a local hard drive as the links will be periodically purged. Note: all content is in a “read only” password restricted format.

7. Payments are non-refundable. In the event that a student is unable to attend a Quanta in part or in whole for whatever reason the payment will be applied to the next Quanta they attend. If the student is unable to continue their education they may send a detailed email request to info@o-c-o.ca and fees may be reimbursed at the sole discretion of the OCO.